Professional MotorSports Solutions LLC can fix your broken items most of the time. Would you rather fix the item or buy a new one? Saving money any where you can helps you with a successful business.
The items listed below are the most common items fixed by PMSS.
AMB Transponders – Westhold Transponders – Radios – Headsets

AMB Transponders & Chargers – replacing batteries, re-casing the unit, new bottoms. Cost can range from $15 to $65

Westhold Transponders & Chargers – replacing batteries, circuit boards, etc. If you can provide the circuit board or lid with the transponder number it can be replaced which is cheaper than buying a new unit. Cost can range from $12 to $105

Radios – reprogramming of units, antennas, and batteries. Price varies upon brand of radio.

Headsets – replacing ear muffs, booms, microphones, straps, etc. Price varies upon brand of headset.